Surviving Widowhood

40 Devotions of Hope


Written by mother-daughter duo Sharon Engram and Lori Rohlinger

As mother and daughter, Sharon and Lori both have walked the path of widowhood. They know the grief and depth of sorrow in losing their beloved husbands.   They openly share their emotions through personal stories, scriptures and prayers with words of compassion to bring comfort to the broken heart.  Sharon and Lori know a widow’s pain is great, but they know God’s love and comfort is greater still.  This devotional gift book will bring hope and encouragement to a widow.  

  • Lean into Jesus and His love 
  • Seek personal self-care  
  • Accept comfort from others 
  • Guide children through the grief process 
  • Make important life and daily decisions 
  • Celebrate the holidays and special events 

This devotional gift book will bring hope and encouragement to a widow.  

There is no way to prepare for becoming a widow. You may have lost your husband suddenly, had only a few months to say goodbye, or were a caregiver for several years. Lori and Sharon invite you to step away from the demands of life for a few moments each day and bask in the goodness of Jesus and the love He showers upon you. In Surviving Widowhood: 40 Devotions of Hope, your grieving heart will be comforted, your tears will be seen, and your soul will be nourished.  

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Discounts available if buying in bulk through Redemption Press. Call 360-226-3488 for more information.


“In this little book you will find a safe, peaceful and helpful place to process your grief of losing your beloved spouse. Losing a relative or a friend is nothing like losing your life’s companion. The depth of your grief is measured by the depth of your loving spousal relationship. There are 40 devotionals to help you navigate your new “aloneness.” This book focuses on the refection of wonderful memories and encourages you to seek comfort in Jesus . . . the Anchor of Your Soul. Comfort can only truly be found in HIM. He is waiting and wanting to help you survive widowhood.”

-R Talley

“This was gift for a recently widowed friend. I scanned through it and feel it will be a comfort to her. The daily devotion format will give her a daily dose of encouragement. The author is a widow and can surely relate offering personal experiences.”


“This wonderful devotional is a perfect gift to give at any stage of grief after losing a spouse. It will encourage, comfort and give hope for the future as it points to Jesus for strength for each day.”

-Cheri H.

We have a friend who is struggling with the recent death of her husband. This book is just the right format for her at this time. It provides the warmth of sympathy and understanding through each thoughtful word and entry.

-Amazon purchaser

“The book is so good, so direct and full of insight from widows that other widows need to hear! It gets to the heart of many of the things widows are going through, but may not feel comfortable asking about and may not be able to read long chapters regarding. (Sometimes you just can’t concentrate enough for long reads when you’ve had such a difficult loss.) These are short devotionals with prayers, scriptures and places to journal if you want. You don’t have to read it page by page, you can skip around and find what you need or what speaks to you at the moment. Sharon and Lori have done a fantastic job and this book is going to be a blessing to so many women who have lost their husbands, especially because it points back to Jesus, scripture and God’s love for us even in our darkest times!”

-Debbie S.